Accessibility Policy

Effective date: May 2, 2024

Our website and materials accessibility standards follow current best practices and principles of universal design (usable by all, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design) and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (“WCAG”) 2.1 AA, published by the World Wide Web Consortium.

We align to these standards through a combination of manual code inspection, a focus on plain language writing, user-centered design practices, automated testing using industry-recognized tools, compatibility testing using the most widely used accessibility support tools, and occasional review by external website accessibility experts and every day user feedback.

The goal is to ensure websites are flexible and adaptable to different users’ needs and preferences and that all digital materials and trainings are accessible using a variety of technologies, including mobile devices and assistive technologies.

As technologies evolve and change, we continue to monitor, adjust, and improve our design and accessibility as part of our commitment to making the websites, training, and materials are usable by everyone.

We Welcome Suggestions / Feedback

Do you have a suggestion about improving the accessibility of our website, please let us know!
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